Advertising: I am now accepting very selective PAID text links or 125 x 125 button ads for my sidebar as well as Sponsor text links to appear at the bottom of every post. I will never do Google ads or clutter up my page, so don't worry!Also I will TRADE links/buttons to appear on your blog if you like.
Reviews/Giveaways: I have decided to only offer giveaways in conjuction with a review or special event happening on another blog. One reason: increased exposure to information about my giveaway item and website link. I will always spotlight the review/giveaway in a post, so all my readers and followers can enter to win. If you have a blog with 200+ followers/readers and would be interested in reviewing Young Living Essential Oils products, please contact me. Reviews and giveaways would also be on a very selective basis.
Product Purchasing: Young Living essential oils and products, aromatherapy supplies, and educational materials will now be available for purchase directly from Oils For Wellness by using PayPal! Being that I am not a website wizard, it may take me awhile to develop a more efficient system for placing orders, but for now just drop me a note in the Ask The Aromatherapist box letting me know which items you want. I'll total up tax plus shipping and tally the total for you to send funds by Paypal. US shipping only, $20 minimum purchase required.
Guest Bloggers: Looking for helpful tips, articles or personal health experience stories on natural medicine topics without product promotions. Liver cleansing, weight loss, healthy cooking, etc.
If you have any suggestions or ideas that you would like to share, I value your comments!
Yours in wellness, purpose, and abundance,
if you are just dropping ec to get points and not to read the blogs, my husband has a quick drop list on his blog where you can drop 94 in less than 10 minutes. he's working on making that list larger, but right now he has 94. i do that somethimes.
have an awesome day...hugz!
Thank you SO much for the tip, PJ!! I will give that a try...sometimes I have time to read the blogs which is so fun, but often I gotta just collect the points to keep my EC price from going to low EC oblivion. :)
HI Jennifer,
I sent you an email with the aol address. Then, I just tried to send you one through your blog and it would not let me.
I think you are making some wise choices for advertising in the new year! Remember, facebook and twitter are free ways to advertise!
Jeanie (Jeanene)
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