Monday, September 7, 2009

Being At Peace With Change....

This is probably the last month I will be at my current massage studio location. The chiropractor I am subleasing from is moving and I will most likely need to move out by October 1st. I have a wonderful spacious room with a whole wall of windows that overlooks open prairieland.
My second story haven of peace has seen many hours of tranquility and healing over the last 2 years. When I first heard that I would need to move out, I was extremely disappointed. It isn't just that I could no longer enjoy the room, but my clients really appreciated the location very much too.
As I have been working through a wide spectrum of emotions lately, God whispers to me "trust me, this is my business, not yours. Wherever you go, you will still be at peace."
So, I am becoming content to move to another clinic owned by Christian chiropractors who have welcomed me with open arms and many financial opportunities abound there for me as well.
"Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you."
Job 22:21


Mia said...

I bet it will all work out- change can be good but I am still trying to accept that :)

Pennie said...

You just keep trusting...God is good...keep reminding yourself of all the times He's pulled through for you! :)

Go Ask Katie said...

A new environment may bring new opportunities. Wishing you happiness. Katherine P.S. I added you to my "favorite places" category at