Monday, April 1, 2013

Join the Biggest Blog Party of the Year!

Ultimate Blog Party 2013
Welcome to Oils For Wellness!
About me...I am a Christian wife, mom to a 6 year old, massage therapist, and wellness consultant. Hudson, WI is my hometown (and I think one of the most beautiful places to live). Besides natural medicine, my interests include: reading, singing, running, traveling, writing, shopping for bargains, hosting parties, and cooking. You will find 2 prize donations for the Ultimate Blog Party from Oils For Wellness, valued at $100 and $50. Go visit the UBP Prize Page to find out what they are! Be sure to subscribe to my free aromatherapy newsletter and browse recipes and healthy meal ideas at my Wildtree website. Happy blog hopping, and please do leave a comment so we can get acquainted!
Yours in wellness, Jen


Jennifer Lambert said...

Hey! checkin in on the UBP.

I love the look of your blog - those are my colors too! And I'm a Jennifer too! woohoo

I also sell Young Living essential oils. It's becoming quite the ministry and I'm excited to see God grow the business and offer me ways to help others.

I'm not certified in anything, but always looking to learn. I will follow you since you certainly seem to know what you're doing. ;)

Jennifer Nordin, LMT, CPT said...

Welcome Jennifer! I have witnessed amazing miracles through Young Living oils, literally saved the life a little girl I met with MRSA and stopped premature labor with my son at 16 weeks. Got lots of good info in my archives so hope you can take a look. Enjoy the UBP! Jen