Thursday, April 11, 2013

Essential Oil Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Spring has arrived and so has the onset of seasonal allergies. Approximately 20% of the U.S. population suffers from allergic diseases, with the most common seasonal allergy being allergic rhinitis. Early spring triggers tree pollen season followed by grasses in late spring and early summer as well as weaker pollens in late summer. Allergic intolerance can trigger your respiration, swelling, itching, digestive tract, sneezing and congestion.

Listed below are my preferred choices of Young Living Essential Oils used during allergy season.

Runny Nose - Melaleuca Alternafolia, Lavender, Harmony.
Application: Rub oils on sternum and inhale.

Sinus Pressure - Eucalyptus Blue, Rosemary or Breath Again.
Application: Rub oils on either side of the nose or tent head over pot of hot water with a few drops of oil.

Rash - Peppermint, Melrose or Thieves Toothpaste.
Application : Dilute with V6 and rub on rash. (Toothpaste works great on Poison Ivy.)

Headache - Peppermint or Deep Relief Application: Apply to temples, back of the neck and forehead.

Sore Throat - Thieves Lozenges (Hard or Soft), Lemon or Wintergreen. Application: Gargle with Thieves mouthwash. Apply oils to neck.

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