Sunday, May 2, 2010

Essentials For Women's Health

Recently featured in Essential Lifestyle magazine, Dr. Dan Purser has an extensive resume that includes practices in family medicine with an emphasis on women’s health and preventative care of the body.
As women mature, the most pressing health concern is menopause. Menopause is inevitable, it is unavoidable, and it can be extremely difficult. There are 35 known health effects associated with menopause including:

Hot flashes
Night sweats
Increased wrinkles
Weight gain and muscle loss (sarcopenia)
Memory issues

Thankfully, progesterone—a naturally-occurring human hormone—can combat or decrease many of these negative effects. Progesterone is known to decrease foam cell formation[1], endothelial inflammation, and plaque formation—thus promoting a healthy cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, as the body ages levels of progesterone decrease. In order to stay healthy, it is recommended that most women supplement their progesterone levels.

Natural Solution:
Dr. Purser’s go-to supplement for relieving the discomfort associated with menopause is Progessence™. “In my own office practice,” Dr. Purser attests, “Liberal use of Progessence dramatically decreased hot flashes and day and night sweats.”
Progessence™ is comprised of a variety of ingredients specially combined for women’s health. Progesterone, as mentioned above, is known to mitigate many of the health effects associated with menopause; pure geranium, fennel, and sage essential oils improve estrogen receptor function; and black and blue cohosh and wild yam help support proper levels of progesterone for women.

Menopause also increases the likelihood of developing osteoporosis—a disease that decreases bone density thereby increasing the chance of fracture. To combat osteoporosis, it’s a good idea to take a supplement that contains both calcium and magnesium[2] and selenium—an antioxidant associated with reduced risk of osteoporotic hip fracture in elderly subjects.[3]
Natural Solution:
Super Cal™, a supplement that combines calcium and magnesium with selenium, is Dr. Purser’s first choice to help maintain proper bone health. Super Cal takes the expertly formulated amounts of calcium, magnesium, and selenium and infuses it with pure marjoram, wintergreen, lemongrass, and myrtle essential oils to enhance the synergistic effects of this specially blended supplement.
[1] WEN-SEN LEE, CHAO-WEI LIU, SHU-HUI JUAN, YU-CHIH LIANG, PEI-YIN HO, AND YI-HSUAN LEE. Molecular Mechanism of Progesterone-Induced Antiproliferation in Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells. Endocrinology 144(7):2785–2790. Copyright © 2003 by The Endocrine Society doi: 10.1210/en.2003-0045.
[2] Kitchin B, Morgan SL. Not just calcium and vitamin D: other nutritional considerations in osteoporosis. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2007 Apr; 9(1):85­–92.
[3] Zhang J, Munger RG, West NA, Cutler DR, Wenegreen HJ, Corcoran CD. Antioxidant intake and risk of osteoporotic hip fracture in Utah: an effect modified by smoking status. Am J Epidemiol. 2006 Jan 1; 163(1):9–17.
Order these Young Living Essential Oils products at the Oils For Wellness website or call Jennifer at 715-381-6979.

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